Everyone knows that the estate tax is also sometimes known as “the death tax”; similarly, estate planning attorneys are also sometimes known as “those death lawyers.” This is something most of us have learned to good-naturedly roll our eyes at; but eye-rolling aside, the worst thing about the “death lawyer” assumption is the disservice it does to you—our clients. You see, as estate planning attorneys our role is to help you protect your family and your assets, both of which exist in the here and now, not in some ethereal “someday”. What follows are only a few of the things we can help you with right now:
Retirement planning: Ask about the recently developed Retirement Trust, which not only extends your retirement fund past its initial payout date, but gives you more options for distributions.
Saving for college: If you have children who will one day be in college, we can help you make sure they will have the wherewithal to follow their (and your) dreams for education in the event that anything happens to you. An education trust is the perfect way to provide for your children’s schooling.
Investing for the future by laying a foundation NOW: The future is the business of an estate planning attorney, whether it be protecting your life insurance policy for your family, saving your property from probate fees, or minimizing your taxes; but neglecting to prepare now means it may be too late when the time comes.
Yes, as estate planning attorneys our specialty is going to be helping you prepare for your inevitable death (which will take place sometime far in the future, of course) but one thing we know for sure is that the best way to prepare for the future is by taking action in the present. Family, finances, health and education—all of these are within the realm of the “death lawyer’s” expertise, and all of these need your attention today. Let us help you with the things that are important to you and your family right now.