H has no children; W has prior marriage child. HW estate 50/50 investments/RE & exceeds estate exemptions. H wants control of estate, all assets available for his lifetime needs, to minimize his taxes, is against any gifting while alive,against irrevocable trusts. H wants his estate to go to W and then her child but only if he doesn’t need it all (or changes mind). H is W’s first priority but W wants child (and grandchildren) to inherit from W estate, after HW die.In AB trust, after W dies, H can use testamentary power of appointment to reallocate assets between survivor and AB trusts, thus changing W’s bequests to child. Is AB trust right choice to ensure W’s child’s inheritance if W dies first? What other trust(s) or provisions should HW consider to meet both HW desires?

Another way to answer the question is to invoke a remarriage provision in the trust. A remarriage provision states that the assets stay in the trust. In the event surviving spouse remarries the assets in the trust would be locked up, unless the surviving spouse enters into a pre marital agreement with the new spouse. Depending upon the language you want to use, the surviving spouse must protect the assets for the benefit of the surviving children and/or grandchildren. The assets could not be used to benefit new spouse.

This answer does not constitute legal advice and does not and is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. The law may vary depending on the state in which you reside. It is intended only to give some direction in which to seek assistance.

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